Fundamentals of Lighting for Beginners

Part 1: Indoor Flash
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Students quickly develop the skills to manage and choose portable flash settings for indoor applications in this class. They will also learn how to use portable flash as a dominant light source and explore best practices for selecting ISO, exposure settings, and flash power requirements appropriate to any given ambient light situation.
The instructor provides hands-on instruction for flash photography indoors. Students master real-life lighting challenges to achieve optimum technical results and develop creative choices for further light manipulation and enhancement. Students leave with knowledge and confidence in the portable lighting workflow. They control their lighting, know how to light with their new techniques learned, and can capture or create the image they have in mind.
Take your portraits to a new level just by mastering and learning about your flash, how to use it, and techniques.
Part 2: Outdoor Flash
1:30PM - 3:00PM
If you've wondered what that silver plate on the top of your camera does, and you're tired of your photos being too dark, or your outdoor portraits fall flat, or, if you're a natural light photographer ready to take your photography to the next level with flash lighting, this is your course! Our instructor will simplify accessory flash use outdoors by demonstrating the techniques to get you stellar portraits and simplify your landscape photographs.
Students quickly develop the skills to manage and choose portable flash settings for outdoor applications and use this tool as a fill light source. They explore best practices for selecting the correct ISO settings, exposure settings, and requirements appropriate to any outdoor ambient light situation.
Students leave with knowledge and confidence in the portable lighting workflow.
*Please note Flash classes are taught together, though one after the other. They are available to be purchased separately.
Part 3: Intro to Studio Lighting
3:00PM - 5:00PM
In this course, students learn fundamental lighting setups and familiarize themselves with the lights, light modifiers, and why we use studio lighting. In class, students perform several live lighting plans and explore the technical and aesthetic results of each. The instructor provides hands-on instruction, and students understand the importance and methodology of studio lighting to achieve image goals. Students leave with the necessary knowledge to explore lighting equipment for the studio and other learning objectives and will be ready to shoot indoors with studio lighting.
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