Digital Photography: Shoot in Manual Mode

Learn how to shoot in manual mode in this hands-on digital photography class! You will learn how to manually control your shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings and how they work together.
If you have taken our other Digital Photography for Beginners courses or if you already know how to use your aperture and shutter priority modes, you’re ready to start shooting in manual! With your instructor by your side to teach and help you along the way, you will have fun and gain confidence shooting in manual mode! This class will teach you how to control your camera, capture the images you envision, and improve your photography skills.
- What you can accomplish by shooting in manual mode
- How to quickly balance ISO, shutter speed, and aperture
- Exposure metering using the camera’s light meter
- Camera
- Lens
- Charged camera battery
- Beginner
- Ages 16+
David LaNeve, CPP
The Bundle package is effective for 6 months from the date of your first class. After 6 months, the Bundle expires and you will need to purchase the remaining classes separately. Please see our Policies for more details.